Are our decals ‘authentic’ to the manufacturer’s originals?

Where we can see an obviously consistent brand, we originate our decals to follow this as authentically as possible. However, many bike brands vary considerably, even when originated by the manufacturer who may stretch their logo to fit a frame span, add shadows or other effects or create a one-off brand for a specific release. There are also, of course, rebrands where a manufacturer completely updates its bike graphics.

Often we provide a variation of brands for an individual bike to give choice but cannot match every version and there’s a possibility we may not cover your own bike brand . If so, please feel free to let us know… we can’t guarantee to replicate your desired brand, but we’ll certainly look at the possibilities and advise.

Just something to note, if your plan is to overlay a new decal onto your existing brand, remember that there are a multitude of different variations of every brand so even if it looks the same and the measurements are appear the same, it may not perfectly cover your original brand. We recommend you do not overlay decals.

Drop us a line if you have any questions at

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